Best Motorcycle Adventure Tires for Overlanding

motorcycle rider on dr650 crossing a river in cape york

Choosing the best motorcycle adventure tires for overlanding and long-distance travels is a hot topic on many forums. While tire choice often comes down to personal preference and riding style, we’ve put plenty of adventure and dual-sport tires to the test.
In this article, we’ll share our experiences and insights on the ones that have performed best for us.

Bikes & Tire Sizes

    • This review focuses on tires that are 50% on-road and 50% off-road.
    • We tested the listed tires on the following motorcycles: DR650, CRF250L, CRF300L, and WR250R.
    • Tire sizes tested:
      • FRONT: 90/90-21
      • REAR: 120/90-17, 130/90-17, 120/80-18, 120/90-18
Our favorite setup for the DR650 is currently AX41 for the front and Motoz GPS for the rear.

Front Adventure Tires

Below is a list of all the front adventure and dual sport tires we tested during our travels, and a short review of them. Most of them were 90/90 21-inch tires mounted on our Suzuki DR650s. 

Our top pick is Battlax Adventurecross AX41 from Bridgestone.

▶ TKC80 - Continental

We had it on one of our DR650s on the route from Tasmania to Cape York in Australia’s far north. This is a robust 50/50 tire with good off-road control and solid grip on winding paved roads. We put it to some serious work during our trip to Cape York and it demonstrated good durability and longevity.

  • Off-road ★★★★☆
    Offers good off-road capabilities for control and traction on challenging terrains. 
  • On-road ★★★★☆
    Provides reliable grip on paved roads.
  • Longevity ★★★★☆
    Known for longevity and durability.


A great 50/50 choice, although the AX41 Adventure Cross has a slight edge in all categories.

▶ Anakee Wild (Front) - Michelin

This tire lasted a journey over half of Australia, from Cape York to Adelaide. During that time, we rode on varied terrains from loose sandy surfaces, through corrugated gravel roads and paved roads.

While Anakee Wild showed decent performance on harder terrains, we felt it struggled with sandy and muddy conditions (so not a great choice for the Outback). 

Having this tire for almost half of our trip around Australia spoiled some of the riding experience, especially when the terrain became loose. While one of us had this tire on, the other had the Motoz Rallyz, and the Anakee Wild on the front was losing traction off-road more often. 

michelin anakee wild front tire
  • Off-road ★★☆☆☆
    Poor grip on loose surfaces, decent on hard terrain.
  • On-road ★★★☆☆ 
    Average performance on paved roads.
  • Longevity ★★★★☆ 
    Offers good longevity, lasting for 18,000 km (11,180 miles).


Poor traction on sandy and loose terrain, so not a great choice for Australia.

▶ Tractionator RallZ - Motoz

This is a rather aggressive tire, with intended 20% road and 80% off-road use. We tested it across different terrains from The Victorian High Country to the Western Australia Outback, and they delivered. 

With their superior traction, RallZ tires excel in off-road conditions. Its performance on paved roads was also commendable, although its longevity was a concern.

motoz rallz front tire
  • Off-road ★★★★★ 
    Excels in off-road conditions, offering excellent traction.
  •  On-Road ★★★☆☆
    Fine on paved roads, but a bit noisy and bumpy.
  • Longevity ★★★☆☆ 
    Short longevity of about 8,500 km (5,280 miles).


Highly recommended if you plan to do more than 50% off-road.

▶ D606 - Dunlop​

Another very aggressive tire almost exclusively for off-road use. This tire is extremely popular in Australia due to its low price and amazing performance, especially on loose surfaces like sand and bulldust.

It wouldn’t be our first choice for long-term adventure travel though, as they are not great for riding on long streches of pavement on higher speeds.

  • Off-road ★★★★★
    Provides outstanding off-road grip, especially in sandy conditions.
  • On-Road ★★☆☆☆
    Offers an ok performance on paved roads if not going too fast.
  • Longevity ★★☆☆☆ 
    About 9,000 km (5,590 miles).


Not ideal for highway use due to noise and bumpiness. If you are going through a sandy desert and do not plan to ride more than 10% on pavement, this is the tire to choose.

▶ AX41 Adventure Cross (Front) - Bridgestone

From the South Australia Outback and Victorian High Country to the wild north of Hokkaido, Japan, the AX41 Adventure Cross front tire showcased remarkable versatility. 

It provided excellent traction in off-road conditions and exceptional performance on paved roads, even in wet conditions.

bridgestone adventurecross ax41 front tire
  • Off-road ★★★★☆ 
    Excels in off-road conditions, providing excellent traction.
  • On-Road ★★★★ 
    Performs exceptionally well on paved roads, even in wet conditions.
  • Longevity ★★★☆☆
    About 10,000-14,000 km (6,200 -8,700 miles), depending on usage.


This is our favorite tire, offering amazing versatility for a 50/50 trip.

▶ MT90 A/T (Front) - Pirelli

We used these tires on our WR250R throughout our trip around New Zealand. They’re more of a 70% on-road, 30% off-road, but they perform surprisingly well on hard surfaces like gravel, stone, and hardpack dirt. However, they struggle significantly on softer terrain like mud or sand. On tarmac, they offer great longevity and solid performance.

  • Off-road ★★☆☆☆ 
    Offers good off-road capabilities for hard surfaces. Avoid for anything soft and slippery.
  • On-Road ★★★★★ 
    Provides reliable grip on paved roads: fun on twisty road, good traction on wet. 
  • Longevity ★★★☆☆
    Average longevity, lasted for about 14,000 km (8,700 miles).


Average longevity, but a great choice for mostly tarmac and occasional hardpack dirt. Avoid in soft or slippery conditions.

Rear Adventure Tires

Below is a list of all the rear adventure and dual sport tires we tested during our travels, and a short review of each. Most of them were 130/80 17-inch tires mounted on our Suzuki DR650s. 

Our top pick is Tractionator GPS from Motoz, but unfortunately, this tire doesn’t fit our CRFs or the WR250R. 

▶ Anakee Wild (Rear) - Michelin

We used this tire between New South Wales and Cape York. It provided good grip on pavement as well as off-road, even in loose surface conditions. 

The rear version of the Anakee Wild felt much better and more stable than the front (which we really don’t like). However, a big downside of the rear Anakee Wild is that this tire is VERY stiff. It’s really hard to get off the rim without proper tools.  

  • Off-road ★★★★☆
    Provides reliable off-road traction.
  • On-Road ★★★★☆
    Offers solid performance on paved roads.
  • Longevity ★★★★☆
    Can do around 10,000 to 12,000 km (6,200-7,460 miles).


Not our first choice, but if Motoz GPS are not available, this is a good alternative.

▶ Tractionator GPS - Motoz

Tested all over Australia, the Tractionator GPS handled all kinds of terrain without issues. 

With excellent off-road traction and reliable on-road performance, this tire stands out for its impressive longevity, making it our favorite for long-distance motorcycle travel. 

This tire is also reversible which means you can either mount it as a 50-50 tire or mostly off-road.

motoz gps rear tire
  • Off-road ★★★★☆
    Excellent off-road traction.
  • On-road ★★★★☆
    Reliable performance on paved roads.
  • Longevity ★★★★
    Impressive longevity with a lifespan of 15,000 km (9,320 miles).


This is our favorite 50-50 tire, highly recommended for its versatility and AMAZING longevity.

▶ Tractionator Adventure - Motoz

A more aggressive tire option from Motoz Tractionator Adventure is advertised as 75 off-road, and 25 on-road tires

We had it on the back of our DR650 in the north of Australia and it displayed impressive off-road capabilities on all kinds of terrains – from sand, and gravel to rocky river crossings. 

Reliable, but a bit noisy on paved roads. A rather moderate lifespan.

motoz tractionator adventure rear tire
  • Off-road  
    Provides impressive off-road capabilities for all-terrain adventures.
  • On-Road ★☆
    Delivers a reliable performance on paved roads.
  • Longevity ★☆
    Offers a moderate lifespan of about 8,500 km (5,280 miles).


Suitable for those planning to do more than 50% off-road.

▶ K60 Scout - Heidenau

These tires can have different threads depending on the wheel size. For the DR650 it’s the 130-80/17 type, and we felt it wasn’t performing as well as the larger sizes that we had on our old Honda XRV750.

The tire struggled on loose surfaces and while it performed reasonably well on paved roads, the lack of the center strip on this particular size significantly reduced the tire’s longevity.

  • Off-road ★☆
    Poor grip on loose surfaces.
  • On-road ★☆
    Reasonable performance on paved roads.
  • Longevity ★☆
    Lasts only about 8,000 km (4,970 miles) for the 130/80 size.


We would avoid this tire for sizes 130/80 and below. The Motoz GPS seems like a better choice in terms of traction and longevity for a lower price.

▶ E805 - Shinko

We got one of these tires in Darwin, as the local mechanic had no other options in stock. It survived the challenging conditions of the Outback and provided good off-road traction and solid performance on paved roads. The biggest drawback is its short longevity of about 7,000km (4,350 miles). But they are very cheap!

UPDATE – We ran this tire again in New Zealand on our CRF300L, and it performed well on sand, possibly due to its paddle-like design. We managed to get 10,000 km (6,200 miles) out of them this time.

shinko e805 rear tire
  • Off-road ★★☆
    Reliable off-road traction. Good on gravel, descent in sand.
  • On-Road ★☆
    Average performance on paved roads.
  • Longevity ★★
    It doesn’t last long, with a lifespan of around 7,000 km (4,350 miles) on a 130/80-17 size. However, on a lighter bike, the 120/90-18 size can last up to 10,000 km (6,200 miles).


Suitable for those on a budget, with reliable off-road traction but average performance on tarmac. However, longevity is poor on 130/80 and larger sizes, though it improves on lighter bikes with 120/90 tires.

▶ AX41 Adventure Cross (Rear) - Bridgestone

We had this tire on both DR650 and CRF250L and were impressed with its versatility. 

They have great traction off-road and are a joy to ride on twisty paved roads, even in wet conditions. 

Their biggest drawback is a rather moderate longevity of around 8,500 km.

bridgestone adventurecross ax41 rear tire
  • Off-road
    Excels in off-road conditions, offering outstanding traction.
  • On-road
    Delivers a fantastic performance on paved roads, even in wet conditions.
  • Longevity ★☆
    Offers moderate longevity with durability of approximately 8,500 km (5,280 miles).


Highly versatile tires, although they have poor longevity. Recommended for trips of less than 8,000 km (4,970 miles).

▶ MT90 A/T (Rear) - Pirelli

We used these tires on our WR250R during our trip around New Zealand. They are more of a 30/70 tire. Surprisingly, they perform well off-road on hard surfaces like gravel, stone, and hardpack dirt but are terrible on soft terrain like mud or sand. They offer great performance on tarmac with good longevity. A solid pick if you’re staying off soft terrain!

  • Off-road ☆☆
    Offers good off-road capabilities for hard surfaces. Avoid for mud or sand. 
  • On-road
    Provides great grip on paved roads: fun on twisty roads, and good traction in wet conditions. 
  • Longevity ★☆
    Good longevity of up to  11,000 km out of  (6,835 miles).


A great choice for mostly tarmac with occasional gravel or hardpack dirt. Avoid in soft terrain. Longevity is quite good.


Summary of our favorite tires ranked on a scale from 1 to 5.
5 = BEST,

Overall performance

Based on 50% on road, 50% off-road usage on DR650, CRF250L, CRF300L and WR250R.

Front Tires

1stAX41 Adventure Cross4
2ndTKC 804
3rdMotoz Rallyz3.7
4thMT 90 A/T3.3
5thAnakee Wild3

REAR Tires

2ndAX41 Adventure Cross4
3rdAnakee Wild3.3
4thMOTOZ Adventure3.3
5thMT 90 A/T3.3
6thShinko E8053.3
8thK60 Scout2.7

On-road performance

Front Tires

1stMT 90 A/T5
2ndAX41 Adventure Cross5
3rdTKC 804
4thMotoz Rallyz3
5thAnakee Wild3

REAR Tires

1stMT 90 A/T5
2ndAX41 Adventure Cross5
4thAnakee Wild4
5thMOTOZ Adventure3
6thShinko E8053
7thK60 Scout3

Off-road performance

Front Tires

1stMotoz Rallyz5
3rdAX41 Adventure Cross4
4thTKC 804
5thMT 90 A/T2
6thAnakee Wild2

REAR Tires

2ndMOTOZ Adventure5
3rdAX41 Adventure Cross4
5thAnakee Wild4
6thShinko E8054
7thMT 90 A/T2
8thK60 Scout2


Front Tires

1stAnakee Wild4
2ndTKC 804
3rdMT 90 A/T3
4thAX41 Adventure Cross3
5thMotoz Rallyz3

REAR Tires

2ndAnakee Wild3
3rdMT 90 A/T3
4thAX41 Adventure Cross3
5thMOTOZ Adventure3
6thK60 Scout3
7thShinko E8052

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